

Jimmy, 48, breaks world record for longest time sat on a toilet – 116 hours

She wants to have sex with 100,000 men

Having sex is one of the most intimate and unique things we can experience. However, that’s not the case for ...

Jimmy has the world record for taking the longest dump

Most of us stay longer than we should in the bathroom. Thanks to our phones, we have access to games, ...

Man constipated for 22 years baffles doctors

We all have probably experienced an upset stomach and the urgency that comes with it to find a bathroom. It’s ...

This 70-year-old grandma is the world's most tattooed woman

A topic that will always generate some controversy (especially between different age groups) is tattoos. Some people think it’s cool ...

Jimmy, 48, sits on a toilet for 116 hours – to set the world record for the longest bathroom visit

What’s the longest bathroom visite you’ve had? If you sit on the toilet for too long, often when you get ...

Here's the world’s largest burger – weighs almost 1,800 pounds

Recently we wrote about a pizzeria that challenged its guests to eat what they described as a “monster pizza”. The ...