Pickpocket steals wallet from veteran
Something that annoys me to no end is people who can’t tell the difference between what’s theirs and what’s not. Thieves who take the liberty to steal from innocent people deserve all the consequences that ...
Something that annoys me to no end is people who can’t tell the difference between what’s theirs and what’s not. Thieves who take the liberty to steal from innocent people deserve all the consequences that ...
One of the best things about winter as a child is playing in the snow. Back then, it was a joy to slide around, have snow fights—and then build snowmen with friends and family! Building ...
Sometimes trying to outsmart or overstep the local residents is not a good idea. A McDonald’s franchise wanted to draw more visitors to its restaurant in Hampshire, England. So they set up a huge sign ...
Something that never fails to be a controversial topic is breastfeeding in public. Some people think that breastfeeding should only take place behind closed doors, while the rest of us believes that there is nothing ...
Stealing is not okay. During childhood, we learn to respect other people’s possessions. It’s actually a pretty simple concept. But despite that, there are always those who think they can get away with anything, including ...
Animals are wonderful! They are our little neighbors and help us give life to this beautiful planet. Sure, they can’t talk, but many animals are so intelligent that they can push through this barrier and ...
For the roads to be safe, we must help each other out. Everyone must do their part to make driving a comfortable experience, simply put. However, some people just refuse to help others, be it ...
As the old proverb goes: “you reap what you sow” – of course, there is a lot of truth to it. Some people get in trouble right away for acting foolishly, while for others, it takes some ...
During the lockdown, we’ve read many reports of people breaking into cars, stores, and even homes. People who can’t differentiate between what’s theirs and what’s not, or take advantage of others during difficult times, deserve ...
I am the kind of person can take most things with humor. Sure, some topics you might want to steer away from, but at the same time, I think jokes and funny stories can help ...