Greta Thunberg is one of today’s most famous Swedes. This young activist, who is only 18 years old, has accomplished more for this planet than most of our so-called leaders. She’s been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and been named Person of the Year by Time Magazine.
Her taking such an important spot in our society has finally put a fire under the climate change debate. Not only is Greta Thunberg doing something we should have done ages ago, but she also handles all the haters way better than most adults will ever be able to.
World “leaders” have called Greta Thunberg, “little brat”, “ridiculous”, and many other things. But Greta is not only smart, she is also quick-witted, and comes up with great responses for those that try to ridicule her.
Greta is also great at sneaking a joke or two when the situation calls for it. Like when she sent a really cheeky message to all men who don’t believe in climate change.
Earlier this week, many media outlets, including Sky News, reported that human penises are shrinking because of pollution and, in the long run, can threaten human reproduction.
Greta Thunberg’s comeback
Behind the research is Shanna Swan, professor of environmental medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, who explains this problem in her new book.
The discovery leads to the chemical contaminants phthalates being the main threat to the male genitalia. Phthalates are substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility during manufacturing.
Phthalates affect the endocrine system in the human body, which reduces penis size and sperm production. According to Shanna Swan, babies are born with smaller and smaller penises as time goes on.

50% lower sperm count
According to some previous studies involving more than 45,000 healthy men, sperm levels have dropped by over 50 percent in men in the Western world over the past four decades.
Her book, Count Down, examines “how our modern world is threatening sperm counts, altering male and female reproductive development, and imperiling the future of the human race.”
“See you all at the next climate strike”
The news has probably frightened many men who claim climate change is not a real thing.
Something that Greta took advantage of, with a genius message.
On Twitter, Greta replied to the Sky News article and wrote:
“See you at the next climate strike:)”
I wonder how many climate change deniers will show up at the next protest.
If nothing else, Greta Thunberg got a well-aimed jab against climate change deniers.
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