“Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.” This ancient saying should, of course, be taken with good humor and a pinch of salt.
However, the saying is right about the fact that grandchildren are a reward to grandparents. There are few things as satisfying and fun as spending time with your grandkids.
But now, there is another reason to spend more time with your little loved ones – it prolongs your life!
According to a report published in Evolution and Human Behavior, which was influenced by the Berlin Aging Study, babysitting can increase the life expectancy of the elderly.
Time to babysit your grandchildren
500 people over 70 years of age were surveyed for the study. The ones who regularly looked after children had a lower risk of dying, over a 20-year period, compared to those who didn’t.
In other words, it can be a good idea to schedule some babysitting for your grandchildren in the future.

However, it is essential to point out that this only applies to people who are not the primary custodian of the child – the study only includes people who babysit from time to time.
Lowers stress levels
“There is a link between taking care of someone and reducing our overall stress levels,” explained Dr. Ronan Factora at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic, reports Shareably.

He also emphasizes that other activities, such as socializing with friends and keeping physically active, if possible, are a bigger factor to a long and happy life. Especially as we grow older.
Live longer by feeling needed
“Even though you may not work anymore, having responsibilities is essential, and feeling needed brings us happiness,” said Ronan Factora. “Babysitting your grandchildren is a great way to get there.”

Aren’t this wonderful news?
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