The composition of a family varies significantly from one to the other. Usually, one of the parents is responsible, while the other is the more emotionally mature.
Kindness, humor, social skills – all these qualities find a balance inside a family household.
The mischievous child in a family usually gets in plenty of trouble and requires a lot of work. When attention is lacking, both siblings and parents feel the dire consequences of the family’s prankster.
Of course, you never know in advance what your child’s personality will be. Still, if you have more children, it is not uncommon for one of the children to be calm and composed, while the other one tests the parents’ limits to a greater extent.
The second child is usually the worst
A study on birth order and delinquency shows that the second child is usually the family’s little “monster.”
A study was conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT. The results showed that the second-born child that most often exhibits behaviors such as testing the limits of parents and siblings.

Stronger ties to the parents
The researchers concluded that the first-born child often has a stronger bond with the parents. Partly because it is the parents’ first child and partly because they have had more time to spend with them.
Therefore, the second-born child instinctively feels the difference in attention and makes mischiefs to receive more and balance it out.

Of course, you should always take this type of study with a grain of salt, but it certainly makes sense!
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