Why do we look the way we do? Does it say anything about us as people?
Questions like these have riddled humanity since time immemorial. Throughout history, fortune-tellers have made a living by reading the palms of people’s hands, looking at a crystal ball, or playing tarot cards.
These types of tests should, of course, always be taken with a pinch of salt. However, they are still enjoyable to do and often get things surprisingly right.
So make a fist now and take a closer look at how you do it – it can say something interesting about your personality.
Fist Clench Number 1

Do you clench your fist this way? In that case, you are driven and protective. You are a natural leader and always give 110% to achieve your goals – no matter how impossible they seem.
People who make a fist in this way always make sure to take care of their loved ones and do their best to create a safe environment for everyone who means something to them.
Fist Number 2

If this is how you close your fist, you are outgoing and pretty confident. Honesty is critical to you, and you never hide your feelings or mood. You believe in what you do and have big ambitions that you work hard to achieve. At the same time, you are very grateful and never give for granted what you already have.
Your honesty is a double-edged sword, as it generates appreciation from those that know you but can also seem intimidating to others. However, you have nothing to hide and always go straight to the point, no matter what.
Fist Number 3

Do you clench your fist with your thumb inside your hand? Then you are a kind and calm soul. You are sensitive, very in touch with your feelings, and are very careful with who you let see your vulnerable side. In social contexts, you mostly keep a low profile.
But those who are close to you know that you are, in fact, a charming individual who likes to surround themselves with people that they trust. You have few but very close friends, and you would go through fire and water for them.
Which fist is yours – and how well does it match your personality? Now press that SHARE button below and see what your friends get!
Or find a healthy brainteaser here!