Having kids is one of the best experiences you can have. That being said, kids do come with a few downsides…
It’s tough being a parent, especially for the first few years – but thankfully the positives outweigh the negatives.
That being said, being the mother of a little rapscallion is nothing short of a full-time job.
Some people say that the most demanding job out there is being the president or prime minister of your country, but is that really true? Not so, says the French artist Nathalie Jomard. She claims that the toughest job of all is raising a kid, and decided to prove this by drawing imaginative and brilliant pictures of what it means to be a mom – and now they are taking the internet by storm!
Becoming a parent will turn your everyday life upside-down – almost everything will change. Suddenly it’s hard getting a single moment’s privacy, and your body goes through changes you’ve never experienced before.
This should be a real eye-opener to those who think that motherhood is something easy and comfortable, when it is in fact a lifestyle and a full-time job.
Here are 17 pictures that prove it!
1. You never imagined the mess a baby could make…

2. When books don’t work anymore, you try to find your own methods…

3. Intimacy between you and your partner becomes the exception, not the rule…

4. You make it your number one priority to protect your baby from the sun…

5. Feeding your kid leaves both of you frustrated…

6. You become the ultimate multitasker, constantly juggling work and being a mom…

7. Trying to act all organized and respectable when…

“Nothing fits anymore…”
8. Potty training never turns out as expected…

9. Nothing fits anymore…

10. Nothing could prepare you for wearing a bikini for the first time after giving birth…

11. You no longer have any privacy – you can’t even find peace by going to the bathroom…

12. The first time you breastfeed is unforgettable…

13. Those sweet weekend mornings when your kid wakes up at 5 AM…

14. Trying to work while exhausted is your daily routine…

15. They don’t give a damn about your pain…

16. Nobody told you that the “toys” your toddler likes are the most are everyday things, but you start realizing the truth after you find your credit card, TV remote and sunglasses in the toilet…

17. You become an expert at carrying 20 items at once…

Being a mom may be the toughest job in the world, but it’s also the most rewarding job out there!
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