Out of the almost 8 billion of us, no pair of individuals is exactly the same, this is one of the things that makes the world such a beautiful place. We all have our own will and like different colors, clothes, food, etc.
Some people like their bananas green and hard. But others like it when the banana is really brown and soft in texture. And most of us like our bananas in the middle.
But the fact is that the color of the banana influences a lot of its nutritional value, which in turn affects the person eating the banana.
Below, we’ll go through how the ripeness of bananas affects their content.
Green, young bananas

Green bananas are difficult to peel and harder to eat. They also have a low GI value, which is good if you are trying to keep your sugar intake low.
Unripe bananas also strengthen the immune system thanks to their probiotics, which are good for the gut. If you eat a green banana, you’ll stay full for a longer time, but they don’t contain as many antioxidants as their more ripe counterparts.
Yellow, firm bananas

When the banana has turned yellow but has not yet developed dots, the banana is in the condition that most people like to eat. It is easy to digest and a little sweet to the taste.
A bright yellow banana is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help the body protect itself against age-related ailments, heart problems, and other diseases.
A medium-sized, yellow banana also gives you 37 mg of magnesium, an important mineral that helps the brain stay in shape.
Dotted bananas

Spotted bananas are full of antioxidants and thus counteract many diseases.
The dotted banana is a sign that it contains TNF. TNF stands for tumor necrosis factor and is a substance that counteracts cancer and the presence of abnormal cells in our body. A Japanese study from 2008 showed that bananas with dark spots produce TNF, which can fight abnormal cells.
Bananas with dots are also easier to digest if you have a slightly sensitive stomach. But they also contain more sugar, as they have come further in the maturation process.
Brown bananas

Bananas that have completely turned brown are extremely sweet and are best suited as ingredients in a banana cake or a smoothie.
They also have a high concentration of antioxidants. Brown bananas are also easy to digest and perfect if you have stomach problems. You just have to make sure you eat them before they rot!
As aging bananas begin to lose some of their nutrients, you can put them in the fridge to slow down the process.
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