Toddlers are wonderful little creatures! They’re curious, full of energy and completely oblivious to the world around them.
I can’t count the number of times my kids made me cry with laughter when they were little. Their strange musings, observations and pure joy never fails to inspire you and brighten your day.
And on top of that, newborns often look pretty funny. Here are 13 wonderful little babies who could be mistaken for grumpy old men!
Holy moley, it’s Danny DeVito!

“Wait a minute. Are they using my driveway to turn around?”

This little boy looks just like TV chef Gordon Ramsay

This young Irishman sure looks like an old Irishman!

15 minutes old and already tired of your crap

Edna, did you see where I put my false teeth?

The professor was so jolly today!

It’s important to take naps when you’re past 80

Happy 70th birthday!

“When I was yer’ age, mah’ dinner only cost a nipple!”

“I think I may have a slipped disc, can you give me a physical, Doc?”

He got his engineering degree before his second birthday

“Get off my lawn, you damn youngsters!”

I laughed so hard I choked on my coffee when I saw these photos! Don’t be shy, press the share button to give your friends their daily dose of laughter!