Having children is one of the most meaningful experiences in life. However, being a mother is not only sunshine and rainbows. Thinking so might be a little naive.
As a parent, your obligations are endless, especially during the first years. Thankfully, the memories you make will make all the effort worth it!
Being a mother, however – still is a full-time job.
The hardest job in the world
When we think of the most challenging jobs you can have, things like sewer or construction workers come to mind, and with a good reason. But for the French artist Nathalie Jomard, the hardest job is something completely different.
She believes that the world’s most difficult job is to raise a child. To prove it, she created a series of hilarious, yet frustratingly relatable illustrations to show the struggles of being a mother. And it’s no surprise the images took the internet by storm.
Becoming a parent flips your life upside down and everything changes. You say goodbye to your time alone and helplessly witness how your body starts changing.
This might be an eye-opener for anyone who believes motherhood is easy and comes without sacrifices. Instead, without a doubt, it is both a new lifestyle and a full-time job.
Here is a list with 17 pictures that prove being a mother is the hardest job in the world!
1. You will always underestimate the mess a baby can make

2. Desperate times call for desperate measures

3. Intimacy with your partner becomes the exception, not the rule

4. You must always be one step ahead, even during vacations

5. Feeding your child is a battlefield

6. Either you become a multitasking machine, or you lose your job

7. Your mental fortitude skyrockets

“Nothing fits anymore…”
8. Potty training never goes how you expect it…

9. None of your clothes fit anymore

10. Nothing can prepare you for the first time you wear a bikini after giving birth…

11. Privacy is a rare luxury – even while in the bathroom

12. Your first time breastfeeding will be unforgettable

13. Those sweet weekend mornings when your kid gets up before the sun

14. Trying to work after you put them to bed

15. They think you are indestructible

16. You learn not to leave anything valuable around them, the hard way…

17. You become an expert at carrying everything you need

Being a mom may be the toughest job in the world, but it’s also the most rewarding job!
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