In today’s world, most things will eventually be part of a photo. When something remarkable happens, or someone visits a new place, the phone comes out, and Instagram fires up.
Selfies, wide lenses, and long-distance zoom, phones are equipped with everything you need to get a good photo nowadays. I have never been a fan of selfies, but some are. These people become natural models when a camera enters their range of view.
The incredible thing is that this can also be the case with our beloved pets. Of course, they are always genuinely cheerful and loving. Still, I had no idea that some are so photogenic they could pass as professional models.
Absolutely marvelous pictures
That’s why we have put together a list with 15 pictures of incredibly photogenic animals that look like actual models! Warning! There’s a high risk of cuteness overload!
1. Cutie-duck
2. Paint me like one of your French Bulldogs
3. This cat doesn’t even have to try
4. Ah yes, mlem to you too cutie!
5. This photo makes me happy
6. Let’s put a smile on your face
7. The world’s most charming gecko
8. This photo always cheers me up
9. Such a warm smile 🙂
10. :3
11. Such a heartbreaker
12. Photogenic Pug in Hollywood
13. This looks like an album cover
14. Proud mama photo!
15. A photo of the dynamic duo!
What cutie-pies! Absolutely delightful! Now press that share button below and spread the joy to your animal-loving friends!