The mother is the central pillar of the family; she holds everything together. Of course, the father puts just as much work, but is the mother usually who checks that everything is in order, like when the kids start school and what lessons they need to be on.
According to psychologists, this means that mothers need more rest for the extra effort – like for example by going on vacation alone, according to the site WDRB.
Moms need more breaks – for the whole family’s sake. According to the psychology professor Nava Silton, who says stress from taking care of children, work, husbands, laundry, cooking and everything in between become a heavy burden for mothers.
Holds the family together
Although fathers often help with homework, washing, and cooking, in most families, it is the mother who keeps track of everything that needs to be done and distributes the tasks.

Getting a vacation entirely on your own can be very important for a mother. Partly because they get won’t just care 100% for themselves if they have their kids around, since maternal instincts are very hard to ignore.
“It’s very important for kids to see that balance that ideally needs to be achieved in a family situation, for example, that both Dad and Mom rotate around the chores, taking turns for example cooking or doing the laundry,” said Nava Silton to WDRB.
Moms vacation
Nava Silton calls the phenomenon “Mom-cations,” a mix of mom and vacation.
According to Nava’s recommendation, a mother should be away from her family for at least two consecutive days so the body and mind can heal.
“I came back, and I was a better mom. A more patient mom. A better wife. You learn to appreciate what you have at home because you got that break from it all,” said Judy Khosh, a mother of two, to WDRB.
It’s wonderful to get away a few days and just take care of yourself!
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