Nothing cheers me up like a funny story!
Especially good ones told from a child’s perspective. Kids have a unique way of looking at the world compared to us adults – and they’re not afraid to share their strange thoughts and opinions.
And sometimes you’ve got to ask yourself, who really has the saner world view – them or us?
I couldn’t help but think about it after reading this story!
Lena was a second grade teacher in a small Kansas City school. Today, she had been teaching her students about the different days, months and years, and how they all fit together.
And as the end of the school day was approaching, Lena felt confident that her students had a good grasp on the subject.
“So, one last question for today. Can anyone tell me how many days there are in a year?”
Little Emma raises her hand.

“Yes, Emma,” Lena said, and pointed at the eager student.
“Seven!” the girl said confidently.
Frustrated teacher
“Remember, I said in a year, not in a week. Now, let’s try again, how many days are there in a year?”
“Seven!” Emma says again.
Now Lena starts getting really annoyed. Hadn’t the stupid girl been paying any attention at all?
“Emma! This classroom is for learning, not for clowning around!”
Little Emma replies, “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That’s seven! If you know of any other days, please tell me…”
Lena was so stunned by the girl’s reply that she dismissed her class on the spot!
Don’t be shy, SHARE if the girl’s brilliant reply made you smile!