Getting along with your family can be challenging in these times of isolation. Most people are now at home, and suddenly everyone can chip in when it comes to helping out around the house – but the men in this funny story never got that message.
And people are also inconveniently running out of excuses to put off those “someday” projects that they started 5 years ago. The horror!
In the past, women took care of almost all the housework, but thankfully we live in a more modern age – and I think most people are splitting up the housework pretty evenly these days.
Which is as it should be in my opinion!
This funny story is about 3 men who were of a different opinion. They all told their wives that keeping the house clean was women’s work – and the last wife’s reaction is absolutely priceless! Now that’s what I call payback!
3 men are sitting on a park bench, enjoying the weather and bragging about their wives.
Saw nothing the first day
The first man, Dick, married a woman from Kentucky, and told her in no uncertain terms:
“When I get back from work, I want the house to be clean and tidy.”
He didn’t see any changes on the first day. But on the second day, the house was clean and tidy.
Saw nothing
The second man, Brandon, married a woman from Virginia, and said to her:
“When I get back from work, I want the house to be clean, the laundry done, and have food ready on the table.”
On the first day he didn’t see any changes, and not on the second day either. But on the third day, it was as he had asked.
The third brother, John, married a woman from Texas, and had said to her:
“When I get back from work, I want the house to be clean, the laundry done, and have food ready on the table.”
On the first day he didn’t see anything, and not on the second or third day either.
On the fourth day, he could see a little bit with his left eye, and had just enough mobility in his right hand to make himself a sandwich and put the dishes in the dishwasher…
Never mess with women, especially if they’re from Texas! SHARE this if you laughed!