We all have gotten horny at the worst possible times, at least once or twice. However, what would happen if you were horny all the time? Well, some people suffer from PGAD, persistent genital arousal disorder – can you identify with the symptoms?
23-year-old Amanda McLaughlin does – she is too horny to function as a person. And finds herself begging her partner to have sex every day, she admits in the Barcroft and BBC series Born Different.
At the age of 13, Amanda McLaughlin noticed something was wrong with her – and during puberty, she masturbated significantly more than the average teenager. The family initially thought she was a “whore” or sex addict.
A mother’s regret
To this day, her mother regrets not believing her daughter when she told her she was in pain; she admits (while tearing up) on the video.

Finally, the doctors discovered that Amanda had PGAD, persistent genital arousal disorder. It was a relief; after all – there was an explanation that validated what she was feeling.
Symptoms of PGAD are constant sexual arousal and feeling on the verge of orgasm for continuously. Climaxing does not alleviate the symptoms.
“Not fun to be aroused 24/7”
“It’s not fun to be aroused all the time. It feels like you are about to orgasm, and then it never goes away. Would you want to have a raging boner 24/7? I don’t think so,” Amanda says in the documentary.
She takes 30 different medications to try and ease her pain, as well as sitting on warming and cooling pads. The intense and constant desire takes up most of the 23-year-old’s life.
Going forward, Amanda hopes, with help from medicine and research, to be able to work, raise children and even drive a car.
Now watch the whole clip below!
What a brave woman, such a difficult thing to live with.
Do you know anyone who might suffer from this disorder? Then tag them on Facebook, or share this important news with your friends!