Kids are wonderful. You never really know what they are going to come up with – and it’s very interesting to follow their development as they discover and learn about their surroundings.
With a small new member at home, there will never be a boring moment.
Most parents can probably relate. Especially the mothers, who witness the reaction of their babies when they see their boobs. When the cuties see them tities, their eyes light up, and their reactions are priceless.
For toddlers, the mother’s breasts are the source of food and nutrition. When it comes to breastfeeding, you want your baby to feel safe and loved. It is an incredibly important experience and something to be cherished.
Seeing their boobs unexpectedly
What happens to the kids when they get to see their mother’s breasts in a completely different context – when it’s not with the purpose of breastfeeding?
That question was answered by a group of mothers who filmed the reactions of their babies after showing them their boobs. The results were absolutely wonderful – happiness, laughter, and playful faces!
With that said, you can really see the eyes of the children light up. Either because they think it’s time for food, or due to thinking it’s fun to see the breasts out and about – hard to tell.
Now check out these four fantastic clips! We found them after the new #dropemout trend went viral. Many mothers have joined since then to show the heartwarming reactions of their kids.
Absolutely impossible not to smile!
Such cutie-pie!
The first time he walked!
Haha! Kids are so pure!
Check out those eyes!
What wonderful little devils – their smiles, genuine happiness, and overall cuteness can melt any heart away!
Now press that share button below to spread a little extra joy during these tough times!