All creatures on this planet sleep, eat, and poop — and most of us also release gas from time to time!
It’s something quite natural, but we rarely talk about it in the open. Passing gas is still a bit of a taboo. In a sense, it’s understandable, there are nicer things to experience or talk about — but at the same time, it’s not such a big deal.
Everyone has felt the butterflies in their stomach, a massive bubble of air that just wants to break free — and it’s one of the best feelings in the world when you can finally let it out.
I think many people can identify with that situation. That amazing relief when you are alone and let go of that fart you’ve been holding inside for hours. It’s a wonderful feeling!
A heavy fiber diet
This also applies to animals, and here we can see the living proof.

This horse (in the clip below), called Archy, has been following a fiber diet recommended by his vet — but as many of us know, that leads to extra gas in the chambers.
Archy looks around before rolling down on the ground and spreading his legs. And so the concert begins — the loudest fart spectacle you can imagine.
He is okay
According to the site RelayHero, who spoke to veterinarian Doctor Ramey, there is no danger with the horse’s health, if anybody is wondering. So all of us animal lovers can relax!
This is natural and it doesn’t affect this friendly horse. However, just like us humans, there is a natural build-up of gas when following a fiber-rich diet!
Over 13 million people have watched the clip!
[arve url=”https://youtu.be/jMyL0HdXPuc” title=”Horse farts” description=”Horse farts” /]
I identify so much with the poor creature, I can almost feel his pain! Press the share button to share a smile with your friends!