Something that always cheers me up is when people are not afraid of being themselves.
It can, of course, be done in several ways, but putting on a show or unexpected appearance, for example. When your jaw hits the floor out of surprise or fascination, it often creates memories for life.
However, this happens rarely, but that is also what makes those occasions so special and valuable.
The 90-year-old in this clip did just that – the audience and millions of viewers couldn’t believe their eyes after seeing the amazing performance.
Such a brave soul!
This incredible performance took place during 2016, at the famous show America’s Got Talent. As 90-year-old Dorothy Williams walks on stage – and shocks the jury by revealing she will offer a dance performance.
A strong and powerful 90-year-old
The old woman tells the jury she always loved to dance – and even though she has reached a respectable age, she won’t let it stop her. Rather, the opposite!

When the music begins, you think Dorothy might still have the rhythm within herself. However, she immediately surpasses everyone’s expectations. The 90-year-old puts on some sweet moves, and starts to take off her clothes – the show gets hotter by the second!
Both the jury and the audience are sitting with their eyes wide open, witnessing the lady on the stage dancing her heart out.

In the end, Nick gives her the ultimate grade – the so-called “golden buzzer”!
Now check out this amazing clip!
[arve url=”https://youtu.be/m3m0My3BG74″ title=”90-year-old dances” /]
What a lovely old lady! She deserves all the cheering – and imagine how great is to move like that while being 90 years old!
Remember to press SHARE to pay tribute to this wonderful woman!