Having grandchildren is lovely. However, having a caring grandparent is just as wonderful, if not better.
Few people in a kid’s life can provide as much knowledge and love as a grandmother.
Their experiences stretch back to when life was a little more challenging, making them pretty tough.
Grandmas are full of affection to give—as the pictures below will show!
1. “Bought a new console. The first thing grandma did was crochet a tablecloth for it.”

2. You never go home with an empty stomach when you visit grandma

3. “My grandmother bought an ‘Easter Bunny’ to decorate.”

4. “Grandma brings her own bacon because she thinks the restaurant puts too little.”

5. On her 87th birthday, she wanted the same pants as her 17-year-old granddaughter.

6. “She knitted a hat for my hamster.”

7. “My grandma bought the defective pig because she felt sorry for it.”

8. No more fucks to give.

9. “I gave my grandmother a computer.”

10. At grandma’s, it is always a buffet!

11. “Grandma made a jello cake. With 21 layers.”

12. “I bought ripped jeans. So grandma fixed the holes.”

13. Even at the gym, grandma is the coolest!

14. No rush!

15. The grandma train!

16. “Grandma was spot on!”

17. “Grandma’s new profile picture.”

18. What a couple of badasses!

Such wholesome and funny pictures!
Now press that SHARE button below to pay tribute to all the fantastic grandmas out there!