Up here in New Hampshire, Gin & Tonic is the favorite drink, at least according to the Insider. Especially now that the summer is here. The slightly bitter, fresh, and cold taste makes it the perfect drink to sit outside with your friends.
My mouth gets watery just thinking about it!
We’ve previously written a few times about gin. Among other things, those who love Gin & Tonic are sexier than others, have an easier time losing weight, and have larger brains.
All of those discoveries come from research and science studies, but what really happens to the body after drinking gin?
There are, obviously, many benefits to drinking gin, the popular alcoholic distilled from juniper berries. Therefore, here is a list, with inspiration from Business Insider, with 5 positive things that happen to our bodies after drinking gin (in moderate amounts, of course).
There are many benefits
Disclaimer: This might not be the case for everyone!
1. Gin gives you better skin
Throw away the anti-wrinkles cream – and order a G&T. Maybe they have the same effect? The many antioxidants in juniper berries, gin’s main ingredient, are great for our skin. They speed up and increase the growth of cells in the body, leading to more beautiful and healthy skin.

2. Lower risk of infection
Juniper berries (which will be the most significant part of this list) are packed with infection-fighting agents. Most of them have beneficial results on us – including disinfection and stimulation of cells, which leads to faster healing.
3. More efficient digestion
According to the site Livestrong, gin is the lowest-calorie alcohol with 97 calories per 1.5 ounces – and it can also improve our digestion. How? Well, juniper berries increase in the number of enzymes that break down nutrients, which facilitates digestion.

4. Juniper strengthens the heart
The juniper contains flavonoids (a group of chemical compounds that act as antioxidants, among other things). They are great for the heart – and can thus help prevent various heart-related diseases. Flavonoids can also increase blood circulation.
5. Helps the liver and kidneys
One advantage of the incredible juniper berries is that they help the body get rid of water, thus counteracting water retention. This means it clears a more substantial proportion of harmful toxins and bacteria out of your system. Make sure to refill with regular tap water though, so you don’t become dehydrated – especially now with the warmer weather.

Of course, you should drink gin in moderated amounts. Too much booze is never good, but these are nevertheless pleasing facts about Gin & Tonic.
Now be a good friend and share this vital information with your loved ones!