Love is probably the best feeling a person can experience in their life. When you get to be with someone you love, it feels like your whole life becomes a little easier to navigate.
Having someone who understands and supports you emotionally is a wonderful privilege.
However, you don’t usually get to decide who you fall in love with. It just happens, and as long as everyone involved is of legal age and consents, no one has the right to meddle with the relationship.
But despite this, a couple consisting of Pam, 60, and Jonathan, 21, must endure constant criticism because of the 39 years difference between them.
This uncommon couple now has told their story to the British news site The Sun. They met on a dating app back in 2018 and had been in love ever since.
Lied about his age
In the app, Jonathan said he was 21, but he was only 19 years old at the time.
“I’d fancied younger guys since I was in my 30s. But I stressed that I was too old for him as I have two daughters, aged 32 and 34, and I am a grandmother,” says Pam to The Sun.
But the couple still went through with it. They both liked each other and shared a deep interest in astrology.
“There was very little sleeping done that night”
They clicked as soon as they met.
“When I spotted him, he was even more handsome in real life.
“We ran towards each other and kissed passionately. It was love at first sight. We made love and it was just wonderful. There was very little sleeping done that night. Jonathan may have been decades younger than me but he wasn’t inexperienced. He knew exactly what he was doing,” Pam told The Sun.
But it’s not just flowers and rainbows for the new couple.
“Said I needed therapy”
While walking around town, they get plenty of looks from people who seem to disagree with their age difference, and both of their families have had a bit of a hard time accepting the relationship as well.
“When my daughters arrived, they looked so shocked when they saw Jonathan’s baby-face. But As my daughters and I watched Jonathan play around the house with my six-year-old granddaughter, they admitted they liked him,” Pam told The Sun.
However, Pam’s friends did not take it as well.
“I hoped they’d be happy for me, but instead, they sat in silence and were cold towards Jonathan.
“A few days later, they told me Jonathan was using me. Another said he was young enough to be my grandson and that I needed therapy. I was so hurt. After that, I decided to cut them out of my life, as I didn’t need that negativity,” said Pam.
Engaged after three months
In May 2018, three months after the couple met for the first time, Jonathan got down on his knee and proposed to Pam.
“I was over the moon. I knew it was fast, but I was turning 60 soon and I knew life was for living,” Pam says to The Sun.
To celebrate the engagement, Jonathan and Pam visited Jonathan’s parents.
“As I was older than his mum, my stomach was in knots on the way there. But when I arrived she welcomed me with open arms and laughed about Jonathan finally finding a mature lady,” Pam tells The Sun.
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